Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Collection Product Guide
Getting Started with Rules Management
It is recommended to perform tasks within the Rules Management Application after-hours as saving the Rules Application may result in slowness within the Collections module.

This section provides an overview of the Rules Management Application that displays upon selecting :

The Rules Management Application is comprised of four sections: the Application Toolbar, Left Navigation Pane, Main Window, and Message Window.

Show1- Application Toolbar

The following provides an overview of the five functions in the Application Toolbar, located along the top of the application screen:

Function Description

Click to retain all changes made within the Rule application.

Save must be clicked at the Rule Application level once all changes to rule logic or lookup syncs are complete. Clicking  or  within the individual rule does not save rule logic to the Rule Application without this final save.
If a user tries to perform a save action while another user has an active saving session, the save fails, and an error message is received to inform that one or more other users have open sessions, which are preventing the saving session from occurring. 
Click to check for errors in the rule logic without saving the Rule Application. After editing or authoring a rule, it is advised to perform this function.

Click to import all of the most current information populated in Temenos Infinity, such as any new queues, and incorporate them into the Rules application. Prior to writing new rule logic, it is advised to perform this function.

This function requires a saving session in Rules Management.

Click to import all of the most current custom fields populated in Temenos Infinity. It is recommended to perform this function prior to writing new rule logic if new custom fields were recently created in Temenos Infinity.

This function requires a saving session in Rules Management.

Show2- Left Navigation Pane

The Rules Management Application screen displays a left navigation pane containing Rule Categories. Selecting a category from the left navigation pane determines the type of rules that populate within the main window.        

A category must be selected before a rule can be created or edited.

The following provides an overview of the categories in the Rules Management application and a description of when the category should be selected:

Category Description
Batch Case Processing Rules to use within the Batch Case processing functionality to automatically add tasks/task processing to cases.
Event Processing Rules to use within an event process pair. The rules are run when a paired event, such as a field change, collection added, or collection removed, triggers them.
IncomeInterruptionDecisioning Rules to use for the income interruption process to automatically approve, decline, set pending review, and determine the letters to be generated.
Presentation Rules to define fields and/or aggregates to include in the Person Summary Panel and messages to be added in a Message Panel on Person Screens.

Rules to define queuing options for Advanced Queuing. Advanced Queuing leverages business rules to enable administrators to write simple or complex criteria using account and/or account holder attributes to organize and assign accounts to a collections queue.


Queuing rules are categorized as follows:

  • AccountEligibility: Use to define what people and accounts are eligible to be placed into a queue.
  • AccountQueuing: Use to build rules to determine how specific eligible accounts should be placed into a queue.
  • PersonQueuing: Use to build rules to determine how the person and their eligible accounts should be placed into queues.
TaskProcessing Rules to use within the Execute Rules task type. For example, to automate the result of a task that drives the task process down a specific path.
Validation Rules to use within Screens to perform an action after the screen is saved.
Workflow Rules to use within the Execute Business Rules and Automated Decision workflow steps.

Show3- Main Window

When a category is selected in the left navigation pane, the rules associated with that category populate within the Rules grid in the main window.

The Rules grid consists of the following columns to display information related to the rule:

Column Description

Identifies the Entity associated with the Rule. An Entity defines how a rule is applied, how an action is applied, and the information that the rule assesses in order to evaluate the conditions.


For example, if writing a rule under the Workflow Category to be used in an Execute Business Rules workflow step, the key is to think about where the rule and workflow execute in order to determine the appropriate entity. Since the workflow runs on the Person workplace, the rule must be written at either Root.Person, Person.Accounts, or Person.Cases. The entity must start at the Person since that is the object that is being evaluated when running the workflow. If this rule is to capture the balance on the accounts included in the workflow, the rule is written under the Person.Accounts entity to execute the workflow on the Person and perform actions for each individual account associated with the workflow. 

The following table provides a list of the Entities in the Rules Management application along with a description of how the rule runs for each entity and an example of when to select the entity:

ShowEntity Table

Entity How the Rule Runs Example
Account Rule runs once for every account. Write a Queue Eligibility rule for Account Queuing to be called by the execute rule set action template in an AccountEligibilty rule.
Account.Cases Rule runs once for each case related to the account in context. Write a Task Processing rule to create a task based off of case attributes.
Account.Persons Rule runs once for each person related to the account in context. Write a rule to add a warning message to a panel listing each related person who has filed for Bankruptcy.
Case Rule runs once for every case in the system. Write a rule to be called by the execute rule set action template in a TaskProcessing rule.
Case.Accounts Rule runs once for each account related to the case in context. Write a rule to copy over the Balance at time of Bankruptcy for each account related to the Bankruptcy Case.
Case.Cases Rule runs once for each case related to the case in context. Write a rule to display any case numbers and other case related information for every legal case related to the case in context, providing the user with a full picture while working the case.
Case.Persons Rule runs once for each person related to the case in context. Write a Task Processing rule to create a task for each person related to a case.
Person Rule runs once for every person in the system. Write a Person Queuing rule to be called by the execute rule set action template in a PersonQueuing rule.
Person.Accounts Rule runs once for each account related to the person in context. Write a rule to change a field, such as setting Next Contact Date, for accounts in a workflow.
Person.Cases Rule runs once for each case related to the person in context. Write a rule to add a message to a panel for each active case displaying a stage.
Root.Account Rule runs once for the account in context. *Only used for Income Interruption.
Root.Case Rule runs once for the case in context. Write a rule to add tasks/processes to a case, not the person.
Root.Person Rule runs once for the person in context. Write a rule to add a warning message to a panel regarding the number of open promises for the person.
Root.Ticket Rule runs once when the execute rules task is started. Write a rule to determine which path to follow in a task process.
Name Identifies the Rule name provided in the Edit Rule window. 
When creating a new rule, this field defaults to New_Rule.
Description Identifies the Rule description provided in the Edit Rule window.
Disabled Identifies if the Rule is disabled. This functionality is defined by checking the This rule is disabled checkbox in the Edit Rule window.
System Identifies if the rule is a System Rule. System Rules are authored by Temenos and cannot be edited or deleted in Rules Manager. These rules can be disabled; however, by checking the This rule is disabled checkbox within the Edit Rule window.
Custom Identifies if the rule is a Custom Rule. Custom Rules are authored by Temenos and cannot be viewed, edited or deleted in Rules Manager.
Type Identifies if the rule is a standard Business Rule or Decision Table.

From the Main Window, administrators have the ability to create new business rules or decision tables, copy existing rules, edit existing rules, and delete existing rules by clicking the appropriate button along the top of the window. Type to filter through the list of rules that populate within the Rules grid. 

Show4- Message Window

The Message Window displays messages for the Rule Application, including time of save or validation and whether or not the save or validation was successful. 

If an error occurs during Rule Validation, it displays within this window. Double-click on the error to navigate to the item that caused the error to occur.

See Also



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